Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas card rejects

Last year, no christmas cards. I was still recovering fm my broken arm. The hardest part is choosing pictures. Here are a couple that didn't make the card...

This year, they are coming closer to the new year. Keep watching the mail!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Did I mention the great lice outbreak at LW? Our hair had to be up and our stuff had to be in plastic garbage bags for a week.

I volunteered to nit pick (one of the few times it was the actual task) and never knew my parasitology class would come in so handy.

It meant lots of fun hairstyles though!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

300th Post and Counting

With all that is going on in the world this holiday season. There is some comfort to know some things are still the same -little girls love Christmas. Here are the things that haven't changed since I was little.

1. The Nutcracker is still magical. They both sat with rapt attention through the entire performance, except when stage whispers were utilized to ask specific plot questions. (yes, I am aware there really isn't a plot in the nutcracker, hence all of the questions.)

2. Advent Calendars are the highlight of the day. It is hard to wait for your turn to put up an ornament or open a box.

3. Silly Christmas songs are the best. Their father made up a song to the tune of Christmas Time is Coming. It is all they have sung or wanted to sing for two days now.

4. Christmas dresses are still slippery and itchy.

5. There is nothing more exciting than a wrapped package with your name on it.