Sunday, April 30, 2006

Happier times redux - Teddy from the back.

Wherefore art thou, Teddy?

Last summer it began. When we were in Canada, we lost Doggie.

No worries there, we still had "little Doggie" (who was actually bigger than Doggie.) Then, we lost little Doggie.

There was good old Teddy to take little Doggie's place. Teddy had a special place in Juliette's heart. He came with her to China, the beach, the doctor, the park, and was her pillow and lovie. For us, Teddy was a cat bell - always letting us know when Juliette was approaching with a telltale rattle.

Alas, last Wednesday, Teddy became the latest victim to Mommy's A.D.D. personality and went AWOL. We went back to Home Depot, back to Maggiano's, back to I R R I D E S S E. Checked with mall security. Tried to buy a replacement on Ebay. The bear with the Burger King belly is gone.

We miss you Teddy. Juliette most of all. She wants to keep calling Maggiano's. She wants to draw pictures and post them, she wants me to post a picture to the blog so that someone, somewhere will send Teddy home.

This picture is for you, Ju Ju. Come home, Teddy!

Happier times with Teddy.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Top three funny things Juliette has said this week

1. Cinderella's sisters need to go into time out. Who is going to put them in time out?

2. I want to go swimming in the peanut water. (At the beach, our pool at the house was shaped like a kidney, hence the pool became the peanut water.)

3. My sister is my Teddy Bear.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter from all four!

Happy Easter~

Friday, April 07, 2006

Here is our little citizen, waiting for her turn to meet the officials and clowns (seriously!)

Juliette took this picture of Asia, the elephant painting. - Glad we didn't choose "Asia" for Evie!

Citizenship Day

Every year Homeland Security does a citizenship ceremony at the circus for children adopted into the U.S. in the previous year. Evie was one of the 50 kids honored last night at the circus. It was a lovely ceremony and fun time at the circus afterward. We had a great time.

Evie's citizenship ceremony at the circus.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The family photographer giving Teddy a ride in the stroller.

Evie on Daddy's head.

Juliette took this one, too!

Juliette took this picture!

Cherry Blossoms!

Cherry Blossom Time!