Today I took out Evie's stitches rather than make her see a doctor again. I took her in for a two-day post ER visit and she started hyperventilating when the nurse wanted her on the scale.
So this morning at Starbucks, I ran into a fellow bookclub member who happens to be a nurse. Nevermind that she is a research nurse at NIH and I haven't been to book club in at least six months.
Saw her.
Interrupted her friends.
Dragged her away to look at Evie's head.
She walked me through how to remove stitches. Sterilize, grab the knot with tweezers, snip.
After we got home from church, I did it!!
After naps, to celebrate we all went to the pool. Evie has been saying pool every day this week after her nap, but the doctor said to keep her out for a week. Today was her first day back and she was in heaven. Lips blue, shivering, drinking so much pool water it made ME sick to watch. Absolute heaven for Evie.