This is parent-speak for "Isn't your child the most important thing to you on the planet???"
It is part of the parent language no non-parent need bother themselves with. Another example "How old is she? She's adorable." You might think this is a simple compliment, but no. It actually is a solicitation on that individual's part for you to admire THEIR child. If you don't reciprocate, you are due for a very cold shoulder. Trust me, it took me months to figure this out. Back to Italy.
So, when people ask me this week, in particular. The title question of this post. I think of the blissful 2+ weeks spent in Italy and France three summers ago. It was our last hurrah before traveling to get Juliette in China that November. The picture of Bruce above is a perfect example of the happy, carefree, days we spent.
I wouldn't trade it for the unsolicited hugs and kisses and I Love You's from the two little girls, but I DEFINITELY REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS LIKE NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN!!
p.s. I can't WAIT to take them to Italy and France!!