Monday, July 03, 2006

ER Redux

It is pretty bad when the attending physician in the ER immediately recognizes you and says " I know you from somewhere."

"Here." Was my humble answer. Yes, we were back in the ER, today with Evie. She fell by the stairs (sounds like a cover, I know) and gashed her head open the likes of which I will remember a long time coming. The wound wasn't large (three stitches on top) but what it lacked in length, it more than made up for in depth (many internal stitches). When the aforementioned attending physician is impressed with the depth of the wound, you know it is deep.

Evie was her very happy self, until she was placed in the Burrito. The burrito is what they put children in to keep them from wiggling during proceedures. It is head to toe velcro. First, the child is placed in a doubled up sheet, arms crossed Houdini-style. Next comes the velcro contraptions, which is similar to what they use on spine injuries, but more limiting for movement.

Evie had an arm out in five minutes flat. Her crying/sobbing/squealing made her gotcha day look like the happiest day of her life. I felt bad for the other kids who hadn't hadn't had their proceedures yet in the ER. I'm sure they were wondering what the doctors were doing to her. She actually cried so hard she went to sleep or passed out. I couldn't tell.

Being Evie, she bounced right back, and was doing summersaults before bed tonight. She has ripped off two bandages, but she is blissfully asleep.