I blame Jack Abramoff for ruining our beautiful connection to a corporate seat set at RFK Stadium. Don't know if you all know, but many corporations gave up their season tickets in the wake of the scandal. Last year, we had a sweet deal and went to many games.
Last night we bit the bullet and took Evie to her first-ever baseball game. It was Juliette's first non-corporate fatcat game. Our seats were so high, we could have spit and hit mile-high stadiu, in Denver.
The seats cost $3 apiece. Here is the breakdown of expenditures....
Tickets $9
Fees attached to tickets $9
Parking $12
Half smoke $6.50
Lemonade $5.50
Peanuts $4
Cotton Candy $3
Pretzel $3
Our seats were so bad, we were BEHIND the jumbotron.
Compare to pre-Abramoff corporate seats
Seats (6 of them, plenty of room to stretch) facevalue $30 X 6, for us - Free
Parking - Free
etc. etc.
Is it worth it losing those seats to see Ralph Reed lose his GA primary because of Abramoff ties?
ABSOLUTELY!!! One almost might say, priceless!