Betrayal comes in many forms as a parent. Many many forms.
Some examples - 1. sitting with another mom at a class party.
2. blanket statements "I only love Daddy" or "I love Daddy more" or "I don't love you."
3. immediately going to another authority source when the answer received is not satisfactory.
All of these can be tolerated, excused, and indeed called other things. But there are a few forms of betrayal that cut very deep, and we are going to talk about one of the worst today.
The bitterest form of betrayal is when you, the parent perceive yourself as sacrificial and tolerant and that behavior is not mirrored.
Let's talk for a moment about The Sound of Music. Faithful readers know the girls saw it last year on stage and it has been a constant lovefest of all things Maria and Lisle ever since. I didn't grow up with TSOM. Never even saw it until a few years ago. Sure, I had friends (Christine, Brian, and Mark) who would endlessly sing the lyrics into their twenties and could probably do so today if you called them up and did a request. Not only did I not participate, I just didn't get it. Now, having sat through the movie a few times I can say I understand a certain appeal but I don't quite get it and I definitely don't get both girls' obsession with it.
We sing all the time in our family. Way more than average I think, although I have no scientific basis for that claim.
Evie learned all of the words to
Doe a Deer in November. Since then she has sung the song a minimum of three times a day (no exaggeration) and in fact some times it is as much as a dozen times a day (again, no exaggeration.) Three months later, if I never hear
Doe a Deer again, I'd be a happy well adjusted person (the only way it will ever happen, I know.) Nonetheless, every day I applaud the song when it is sung and even participate when invited.
Here comes the betrayal part.
I LOVE Cole Porter and Gershwin etc. Before TSOM, we would listen and sing both regularly. Since Maria and that dratted Captain Von Trapp came along both have fallen completely from favor.
Sensing an opportunity in song round last week on the way to school I slipped in the ever clever, ever a crowd pleaser "Be A Clown" during my turn and had the girls join in.
Two days later, I tried it again and then the betrayal....
"Momma, I'm TIRED of THAT song!!!"