Tuesday, February 19, 2008

He's Baaack!

Ryan B.

He has returned to Mexico and is continuing in his devotion to Juliette.

As you may or may not remember, after the holiday break he came back from school saying he wanted to play with boys during recess.

Juliette was absolutely devastated. In our culture where every media story is incomplete without the word "devastated" I was hesitant to use it fearing a reader might blow past it.

Make no mistake, this isn't casual devastation. She burst into tears during school, was inconsolable. Finally calmed down during the day. Cried on the way home with me. Cried later with her father. Asked us both repeatedly "Why doesn't he WANT to play with ME?????"


Since then, he has seen the error in his ways.

Juliette doesn't head butt. Juliette likes to play tag, hide and go seek, and cerebral games too. She also knows all of the words to take me out to the ballgame and hail to the redskins (as does Evie). So, while she isn't good for a slug in the gut or wear a different football jersey to school every day, she can run competitively during a sprint and keep up with him intellectually.

He's coming over Monday for a play date.

Juliette says she wants to play doctor.

I asked her to describe what she meant.

"Why, operate on the animals, of course!"