We are finally back from vacation and into the swing of things at school sort of. Juliette LOVES her new school so much she cried last night because I was going there for something without her.
The first day during her quiet time in her room, she lined up her stuffed animals and had class. She's done this ever since she was 18 months old at Thurgood Marshall and I still get a huge kick out of it. It always reminds me of that first time (which went on for months) where she would be belting out "circle time is over! over! over" in her little 3-pack a day voice.
Evie misses her big sister! Evie's school starts next week and she is ready to be back with friends. She's been practicing saying "I'm four" because next week is the big day. She went into the office yesterday and did a great job "keeping me company' - read little work was actually done.
Will post pics from both girls first day of school next week. Today we're going ice skating!!!