Leave me alone you Facebook freaks.
It is bad enough you track down your college freshman roommate from 20 years ago and want to tell me the details, but now you are tracking down mutual friends and making me go out on family dates with them.
Another friend used facebook to track down an Australian tourist who left his camera in a cab. Camera and owner were successfully reunited in Melbourne via third party.
These are wonderful stories of human connections.
But, don't you know I just want to be left alone?
Everyone I want to keep in touch with - I ALREADY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH.
Yes, there are exceptions. They are minimal and don't keep me from leading a happy life.
Probably all of the people who've fallen out of contact have made the choice to do so and I'm too clueless to realize it. It would be lovely to run into the friend, but unless I happen to run into them on the street it really doesn't need to happen. I prefer to give dear friends and acquaintances their space if they want it. I know I want mine.
My choice is final. Facebook is not for me.
Feel free to share your anecdotes about how you are best friends again with that girl from kindergarten, but leave me alone about joining.
Please let me live in my blissful "unfriended" anonymity.
(no last names please! Someone might find me!!!!)