Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lessons Learned from the 7th Green

We are just back from attending two days of the Congressional AT&T golf classic. For those of you who don't know, my Mom is a huge Tiger Woods fan. Huge.

So, here is what happens when you take two girls under the age of five to a golf tournament in Washington DC in July.

1. Rules are waived - no food no drinks no cell phone no nothing. We got in with food and drinks thanks to the little cuties (what - are we going to find something for them to drink at the Grey Goose Vodka tent? I think not!)

2. The Red Sea parts. We all know Tiger Woods is a big deal, right? You have no idea how big. There is a complete blog posting in my head called "The Tiger Woods Effect on Golf" which I have decided to spare you. Watching Tiger on a course is like watching a major prophet from the Old Testament with healing powers - everyone follows him. The hole is 5-10 people deep around the entire perimeter. We are talking a couple thousand. Just to watch what Tiger would do. Then to cheer or moan.

When you have little girls they get to go to the front of the pack and sit on the edge of the hole. The sound / motion guards don't yell at them to quiet down - instead they goad Evie into roaring by asking her who she is waiting for. She will then let loose with her tiger impression.

3. Going to the port-o-potty becomes a huge game of trying to get Evie to NOT TOUCH ANYTHING inside. Use your imagination.

4. Speaking of the potty. Juliette is just about guaranteed to have to REALLY REALLY GO RIGHT NOW after you have been waiting for Tiger to approach for an hour, he's finally coming, and she hasn't had a drop of liquid in four hours. It happened more than once.

5. Riding the bus to the tournament was the highlight. Standing in line for the bus (300 people deep) was only slightly less exciting because it became a game of bus-spotting.

All in all, there was a great deal of fun had by all!

After thinking about it and recouping after two such wonderful days, we will consider all offers to borrow the girls to attend any male-dominated sporting events if their mother can tag along too!