Tuesday, February 03, 2009

In 2009 / Out 2008

Out - Sprout PBS Kids
In - Boomerang (Pink Panther reruns from the 1970s - how could it be better??)

Out - Blockus
In - Rat a Tat Cat

Out - Mad Men (only until Season 2 becomes available on Netflix)
In - Damages - it is back not as crisp, but still better than most on television

Out - Trader Joes
In - just kidding!! Trader Joes never goes out

Out - Ice Skating
In - Ballet (I can't skate with a broken leg)

Out - Dora the Explorer
In - Max and Ruby

Out - Laura Ingalls Wilder
In - Missionary Biographies (the missionaries of the 1800's lead amazing lives!)

Out - Health
In - all communicable diseases. Evie's been out of school all week with high fevers - we're a inhale away from a MRSA infection in this house

Out - Bikes
In - Scooters

Out - Ice Cream
In - Georgetown Cupcake

Out - Mommy
In - Gramma

Out - Brio
In - Pietanza

Out - The Wall Street Journal
In - Entertainment Weekly - go ahead and judge me

Out - coloring
In - painting

Out - NFL Football
In - Spring Training!!

Out - multiple applications and interviews to private schools
In - sibling preference - HOORAY!!!

Out - freewheeling dinners out and weekends away
In - tuition payments

Out - beef stew
In - Pot Roast!!

Out - seconds
In - licking our dessert plates

Out - pony tails
In - headbands