Sunday, December 30, 2007

Three Best

Since much of my days is spent with two cyclones, I don't get out much. Here are my top three lists.

1. La Vie En Rose
2. Juno
3 tie. Into the Wild
3 tie. Ratatouille

1. Lives of Others
2. Infamous
3. Children of Men

Books --
1. Harry Potter - Finale
2. Eat Pray Love
3. Thousand Splendid Suns

Books I Wish I Finished--
1. River of Doubt
2. Michaelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling
3. Magellan and the Circumnavigation of the World

1. Damages - The most steady date with the TV in a LONG time - got other people to watch, then called them to discuss in detail the nuances of the previous episode.
2. End of the Sopranos - so glad it has limped out of it's misery
3. Project Runway Season III- Laura Bennett gave season 3 viewers a whole new type of heroine on PR

Three things I regret-
1. Not getting out Christmas cards.
2. Not having a better understanding of HTML so I can own my destiny on my website.
3. Not billing more hours in 2007 - The difference between a consultant and an employee. An employee will never go to their grave saying "I wish I'd worked more" a consultant might....

Sad that there are only these categories - did make it to the ballet once and opera once too - but one experience does not a ranking make. A guilty pleasure in 2008 may be watching Met performances at the theater...stay tuned and happy new year.