I just returned from my first work travel in two years and offer up the following terms that evolved as a result.
Grandparent hangover -- whenever grandma and grandpa go back home (or any very special spoiling friend) behavior and attitudes take a violent slide toward the dark side. This is something all parents of small children are aware of but until now, this phenomenon lacked the appropriate title.
Grandchild hangover -- this happens between the time you board the plane and before you can get to the chiropracter to to get your back and shoulders back in working order.
Safe place -- this isn't actually the room without windows in your house, it is the airplane after the door has shut and the plane is taxiing down the runway. THE KIDS CAN'T GET TO YOU HERE!!! AMAZING!!!!! This only happens when the proper caregiver is in place so you aren't feeling sad about leaving the babies behind.
Techslam -- Occurs at a conference or during a webex or conference call when participants use electronic methods to slam the speaker during the presentation itself. After the glaze of boredom sets in, laptops are opened and Blackberrys are wildly thumbed. Smirks quietly exchanged. To the speaker, it can look like the audience 1.) is conscienciously taking notes -or 2.) has an immediate issue that must be resolved but it is really everyone typing as fast as their fingers will let them mock the speaker's 1.) self-aggrandizing behavior, 2.) cluelessness, or 3.) lack of audience awareness.
Today's world is a tough place to be for a conference speaker, but sometimes an airplane is a great place to be!