Thursday, November 29, 2007

Evie in ballet

Hopping is very important. Don't ask me why, but Evie was born with springs so it comes naturally to her.

Ballet and Leaves

Strike a pose!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Any good blogger will tell you that it is important to blog regularly or you will lose your audience. Knowing it has been awhile since I've posted, I apologize and offer the following post as an excuse.

Unsure of what to get that special someone this holiday season? Want a gift with real staying power??? Streptococcus pyogenes is the way to go. Here is our story, told backward for those of you who enjoyed Memento.

Last night, both girls receive their first dose of penicillin.

Yesterday 4 pm, both girls get tested for strep.

Yesterday noon, I get my first dose of penicillin.

Yesterday morning, I test positive for strep, the Dr. instructs the rest of the family be tested.

Monday. Killer sore throat.

Friday. Juliette throws up in the car halfway home from NH.

Thursday midnight. Evie is in the emergency room with hives as big as an egg covering her abdomen, she is given a clean bill of health. (No strep test administered, although the nurse on the phone sent us to the ER to rule out strep.)

Thursday afternoon, Thanksgiving dinner without the girls, who are both taking naps. (I prepare it, watch out gramma, grampa, auntie Heidi, & uncle Howard!)

Wednesday, high fever for Evie, hives for Juliette

Tuesday, high fever for Juliette, minimal hives for Evie.

Monday, high fever for Evie.

Sunday, hives for Evie.

Saturday, high fever for Juliette. A sore throat starts for me.

Friday - unknown exposure - was it a water fountain? A faucet? A doorknob???

Thursday - Life as we know it has not yet changed.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Terms for Your Consideration

I just returned from my first work travel in two years and offer up the following terms that evolved as a result.

Grandparent hangover -- whenever grandma and grandpa go back home (or any very special spoiling friend) behavior and attitudes take a violent slide toward the dark side. This is something all parents of small children are aware of but until now, this phenomenon lacked the appropriate title.

Grandchild hangover -- this happens between the time you board the plane and before you can get to the chiropracter to to get your back and shoulders back in working order.

Safe place -- this isn't actually the room without windows in your house, it is the airplane after the door has shut and the plane is taxiing down the runway. THE KIDS CAN'T GET TO YOU HERE!!! AMAZING!!!!! This only happens when the proper caregiver is in place so you aren't feeling sad about leaving the babies behind.

Techslam -- Occurs at a conference or during a webex or conference call when participants use electronic methods to slam the speaker during the presentation itself. After the glaze of boredom sets in, laptops are opened and Blackberrys are wildly thumbed. Smirks quietly exchanged. To the speaker, it can look like the audience 1.) is conscienciously taking notes -or 2.) has an immediate issue that must be resolved but it is really everyone typing as fast as their fingers will let them mock the speaker's 1.) self-aggrandizing behavior, 2.) cluelessness, or 3.) lack of audience awareness.

Today's world is a tough place to be for a conference speaker, but sometimes an airplane is a great place to be!