Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Why I may not seem like I'm paying attention

Note: up front, I must credit Brian Shaw with a similar post regarding my children and interruption last month, however the following is a completely accurate depiction of the goings on at my house this morning, without embellishment.

So every other Tuesday morning, I have a standing three-hour conference call with the biggest client I consult with. It is rare that I have to interact on the call, so most of the time I'm listening to the conversation with the mute button on.

This is never an ideal situation with two little ones at home, but it is even tougher with just one. Evie no longer has her sister to distract her for three hours, so she looks to her alpha female to entertain her, regardless of the dazed expression I have and the phone somewhere in range either next to my ear or on speaker.

This is what it was like this morning during the legislative update--

We are working on reauthorization... "Mommy! I'm hungry"

...working with key Senators ..."Mommy! I want peanut butter and jelly!!"

...educating their staffers as the turnover is so great since the last reauthorization "Peanut butter!! AND jelly!!"

is there a chance of a Presidential veto?? "Peanut butter! Cut in triangles!!!"

does anyone have any questions?? "Mommy! I have to go potty"

what is the reaction from the Department of..."Mommy, come wipe my bum!"