So, the first week of school is over. The girls love their new classrooms, teachers, classmates, lunchbags, and backpacks.
I let them wear dresses every day to school and felt like a homeschool mom when I'd take them to the park in dresses. Since my hair is long right now and I've never been one for much makeup, I felt like declaring my reliance on The Wall Street Journal, '80's pop music, and art-house movies to the casual observers at the park. I immediately went home and did my toes, but regretfully forgot my eyebrows.
Pop quiz--
1. The girls picked their lunchboxes based on which of the following features:
A. Character depiction
B. Color
C. Thermal retention/ cold retention
D. Bonus Features
E. A & B
F. A& C
G. A & D
H. They never saw their lunchboxes before the first day of school.
2. How many calls regarding food allergies in Evie's class did Jennifer field in relation to Evie's school b/d celebration?
A. none
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Four or more
3. How many days has Juliette been the last one to be picked up by her mother since the first day of school?
A. none
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Four or more
4. How many billable hours has Jennifer completed during school time since the first day of school?
A. none
B. Less than One
C. One to Two
D. Three to Four
E. Five or more ( HA HA HA - can't even type that one with a straight face!)
5. On a scale of minus ten to ten, how clean is the house compared to the day before school started?
Minus ten - exceptionally dirty - the roaches moved out.
Minus five - is that a dead mouse I smell?
Zero - laundry piled high on Daddy's dresser, just like always.
Plus five - one could eat off the floor in the kitchen
Plus ten - the windows are done! Someone call the newspaper!!
So dear reader, how well do you know us?