On Mary Poppins. We watched the first 40 minutes of Mary Poppins tonight. What is great about Mary Poppins is that she isn't your mom. She is some exciting exotic creature who enters on a windy day and upends routines.
What stinks about being a parent is that you can never be Mary Poppins in the eyes of your own children. Sure, you can steal lines "Spit Spot" and sing about a spoonful of sugar etc., but in order to be a Mary a fundamental is that you aren't also their Momma (Winifred).
Our children are fortunate to have many Mary Poppins-like figures in their lives. Essentially, anyone who isn't Momma can potentially play the role of Mary. There is no gender bias on fun.
Consequently, Uncle Gerald and Uncle Shane flew in on a cloud Monday night and our lives have been upended in a positive way ever since.
For example, our family has extended itself since the last post. We have two new members, Lucy and Cutie. They are beta fish. Lucy (blue) is Evie's and is quite aggressive. Cutie (Juliette's) had to be removed from Lucy's bowl and is awaiting her permanent digs.
Juliette wants to sleep with Cutie. Momma fears it is a bad precedent and might not be completely safe for Cutie, so we are keeping both fish in the dining room until all is settled. This is a clear indication of why Momma cannot ever be Mary. Sleeping with a fish is just the sort of thing Mary might think was a good idea.
Alas, we must love the Marys the winds blow us. But sometimes it is no fun to be Winifred.