Monday, May 21, 2007

You are NOT my mother.

In a polite, civil, society, certain social norms must be observed. As you have children, some of those perceived polite norms come crashing down (of course we are talking bodily functions, appearance, etc.).

Other norms become code red areas akin to national security levels for an already overly charged mother.

An example of a perceived norm. Dinner on the table Sunday night, the ketchup bottle makes the noise all ketchup bottles do when nearing the end of their rope and your daughter blurts out "the ketchup bottle tooted" and dissolves into laughter. The whole family laughs. Perceived norm crashes to the floor.

An example of code red. Same child is caught climbing up the bookshelves at someone else's home. When the hostess commands your child to return to terra firma, said child replies " I don't have to do what you say. You are not my mother."

Screeeeecccchhhh. Halt. Wait just a moment?

Did I just hear what I think I heard?

At what age is the Fox boot camp show going to show up and take my child away to Idaho?

What happened to please and thank you? Have we just begun the descent into the slippery slope of adolescence?

Or, perhaps it is just because the little cheeky apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree.