The first night, no one got to sleep before 12 am. Bruce had Evie that night and experienced what it was like to be 39 months pregnant as the only place Evie would go to sleep (thereby allowing the rest of us to sleep) was laying directly ontop of her father's belly. So, in his next life, Bruce now has the experience to come back as a pachyderm.
While Juliette is a calmer sleeper, she tends to occupy the center of the bed, thereby leaving you on the brink of the abyss of the hotel floor when you share with her.
Night two, Daddy had primed both girls for a switcheroo all day so Mumma got sandbagged after dinner.
Evie climbed into bed and became the Vetruvian man illustrated above. What Vetruvian lacks and Evie has is the three-dimensionality akin to the device they use to prepare astronauts for orbit.
Needless to say, Mumma probably won't make it all the way through the Academy awards tonight.
Go, Departed!!