There are many reasons why parents are anxious.
Am I doing enough to care for my little one?
Are they well fed?
Do we play enough?
Do we spend enough time nurturing the intellectual capacity?
This quickly evolves (especially after child #2) into inane.
Does the little one watch too much television... etc.
Never, in my wildest dreams did I expect to be stressing out over my child's costume
(read lack thereof)
for career day the last day of school.
Did I mention she is three? If you ask her what she wants to do, the most frequent answer is drive.
Second place. Chef
Third place. Doctor
Fourth place. Teacher
She wanted to go as a teacher. No amount of thoughtful input would sway her to consider the doctor kit (already in the house) or a chef's toque - easily made or obtained.
I am sure all of you faithful blog readers with your creative left brains are assembling a costume for a teacher as you read this. It probably involves a hand held chalk board, glasses etc. Yes, you are better than me, and clearly Juliette would blossom under your care.
I couldn't think of anything and so she went in her school clothes. Perturbed.
Visiting class that morning, I didn't feel too bad until a construction worker walked in, followed closely behind by a paratrooper in an actual uniform.
That is when the anxiety attacks started.