Wednesday, December 28, 2005

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

We've been celebrating Christmas a little bit every day since Christmas Eve on Sunday. This year my true love sent to me food poisoning and I gave it back. Bruce spent most of Christmas Day in bed and I spent all of the 26th there. We would both put it in our top three most severe illnesses in the past five years. It was worse than Mexico. Worse than Salt Lake City for those of you in the know of my 18 years of courting disaster with food.

On the bright side, Grandma and Grandpa were here to take care of the girls and have an uninterrupted love fest.

And presents, there were presents galore. Juliette is the proud owner of a Ukelele and Evie a piano which autoplays Auld Lang Syne.

Grandma and Grandpa go home today. Boo Hoo!

Aunty Heidi and Uncle Howard come in today. Yay!

Let Christmas keep going!