Sunday, October 30, 2005

Top Ten Things Evie Likes to Do

1. Walk
2. Cling to either parent's knees/legs like a barnacle while walking
3. Throw stuff - especially flinging stuff off tables
4. Pulling her sister's (anyone's hair) although her sister's hair is most easily grabbed.
5. Poop after having her diaper changed
6. Eat! Anything and everything - this kid can pack it away!
7. Getting her picture taken (crawl toward the camera exceptionally quickly during focusing)
8. Riding in her stroller (picture Kate Winslet hanging off of the front of the Titanic)
9. Chatter. Mom and Evie have complete conversations with words like "ba" and "da" - they can be several minutes long.
10. Playing with mom and Juliette - knock over towers, steal art project tools, etc.