Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We are back!

We're back from NH.
Everyone had a good time w/Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Heidi and Uncle Howard. This week we've been hosting NH and Indiana friends and next week will be friends from Georgia. Who ever knew this summer would be so busy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The first full day of summer has begun!

We've put on a little crazy and are ready to go!!!
With thanks to Auntie Heidi, who supplied our hats to hide our bed heads!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random quotes from the first afternoon of summer


I told her nicely that I was using that room and she needed to get out, but she won't leave!!!"


"Are you taking us out to lunch? It IS the last day of school!"


"I won't see ANYONE ALL SUMMER." (I counter with a name) "Besides them" (I offer another name, "Besides them too!"


"Now that school is over, what are we doing tomorrow??"