Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What we did on spring break

There is no doubt that the highlight of spring break was aunty heidi's visit. We did the Air & Space kite festival, we went to a home and garden show (see above, painted faces courtesy of a house painting company), and we hit the zoo.

After aunty heidi left, we did clemyjontri, the baltimore children's museum, swimming at cub run, and a good friday service.

Maybe staying home for spring break wasn't so bad after all.

Channeling Ellsworth Kelly

Evie created this complex sculpture all by herself. She shows promise of a major outdoor garden installation some day, don't you think? Especially if the platform mirrors represent water....

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Modern Day Miracle

There are no photo enhancements.

These are our children.


Within the 20-meter restraining order they have against the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

And this was at THEIR REQUEST!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

You gave me a gift

Evie, beyond having the only washboard abdomen in this family, loves fashion.

She is very particular about the clothes she wears and how her hair is arranged. It has nothing to do with matching or neatness or trends, she just has definite ideas about how she wants to look.

One of her most favorite looks is her polka dotted headband on her forehead a la Olivia Newton John in that workout movie. The polka dotted headband has been missing for awhile and I found it this morning and gave it to Evie after there had been many complaints about the top knot she was currently sporting.

"Oh! Thank you momma!!!!" Big hug & squeeze upon the presentation.

A few minutes later she wandered into my bedroom and stated

"When you found my polkadotted hairband, you gave me a gift!"