* When I began this blog, I promised myself it would not devolve into pooh stories. Here we are devolving. Trust me, gentle reader, it is a spectacular story with many twists and turns - but alas, it really is about pooh. So - you decide - the lady or the tiger. Go on about your day and check back another day or read on.We were very close to having breakfast, and it was strangly quiet in our home. Too quiet.
Quietness in a home with Evie always has an ominous quality. The only satisfying quiet is when she is softly snoring in her bed. She was very much awake today.
And quiet.
A bit of background - Evie will be two in September, which means potty time. Being my typical self, I've ratched up the inclusion of potty-related books into our nap and night reading times.
One of them is the classic "
Everyone Poops". This was clearly a huge mistake.
So I call, Evie - what are you doing? And she comes running. The sleeper she was wearing last night had a hole about three inches big between her knee and foot - I notice something protruding from it and think - how harmless, how cute, she is stuffing tissues into the little hole.
She runs up and says "Mamma, poop." Hmmm, looking closer I see it is her DIAPER protruding from the little hole.
I look down the hall. There is a trail of fully formed poops trailing down the hall.
How? Why? What are the physics of being able to poop on a carpet (and trail it across a hardwood floor) while fully clothed - diaper or no diaper?
I order Juliette to her room and toss Evie in the tub.
Juliette calls in a frantic voice. "Mommy Come" there are two puddles of tinkle, courtesy of her sister waiting for her in her room.
See the above question related to the physics of a fully clothed child and apply to this situation.
Evie starts calling for her Daddy from the tub. In future years, her therapist will spend six months on this incident.